Issue 202 China Lottery Pingte Five Symbols: [Snake, Dragon, Monkey, Chicken and Ox]?? accurate
Issue 201 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig, Tiger, Horse and Mouse] dog 】Open one standard
Issue 200, lottery, Pingte, Wuxiao:【 cattle Loong Rabbit, mouse and chicken
199 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse Pig rabbit cattle snake 】Open three standards
198 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig sheep chicken tiger horse 】Open three standards
197 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Niu sheep Jimalong] open one
196 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Ma snake pig rat chicken 】Open three standards
Issue 195: Pig, Snake, Dragon monkey rabbit 】Open 2 standards
In the 194 issue of the lottery, the five characters of the Pingte: [Monkey] chicken rabbit Dragon and snake] open 2 times
193 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse Sheep and pig tiger chicken 】Open three standards
The 192th issue of the lottery, Pinter's Five Symbols: [Niu monkey sheep rabbit Rat] open 3 standards
191 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken rabbit Pig dragon snake 】Open 2 standards
Issue 190 Mid Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Mahou tiger sheep snake 】Open three standards
189 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Snake chicken Cattle, sheep and horses
188 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig chicken horse monkey sheep 】Open three standards
187 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Snake monkey rat sheep Long] open 2 standards
186 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger rat dog snake pig 】Open 4 standards
185 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 Loong rat snake Monkey tiger] open 2 times
184 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig sheep monkey rabbit snake 】Open 4 standards
183 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rat Dog] monkey Snake and sheep
182 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Goulong] tiger cattle chicken 】Open 2 standards
181 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: tiger Dog] open 1
Phase 180 lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rat cattle Dogs, monkeys and chickens] open one
179 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle monkey horse rabbit snake 】Open three standards
178 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger Loong monkey Dog and sheep] open three times
177 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat dog horse Niu Hu] 2 standards
176 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger snake Chickens, Macaques and Monkeys
175 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 Loong pig Snake tiger rabbit 】Open three standards
174 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 snake sheep rabbit Dragon chicken] open 2 times
173 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken Loong swine and cur horse 】Open 2 standards
172 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dragon and Rabbit] pig Snake and horse] drive one time
171 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit monkey Sheep, snake and rat] open 1
170 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 Loong cattle sheep Rabbits and Horses
169 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit sheep pig monkey Horse] drive 2 times
Issue 168 of the lottery: "Dog and Tiger" chicken horse sheep 】Open three standards
167 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rabbit Monkey dog horse Snake] open 2 times
166 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig tiger snake horse chicken 】Open three standards
165 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Monkey cattle Loong Snake and pig] 2 standards
164 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig rat chicken Rabbit monkey] open 2 times
162 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 Loong Tiger monkey rat 】Open 2 standards
161 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat dog chicken Tiger Bull] 3 standards
160th issue of the lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Gouniu] chicken Monkey Horse
159 Issue of the lottery: Ma Yang Loong dog N] open 2 standards
158 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig tiger Monkey, cattle and sheep] open 2 times
157 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [rabbit, sheep and pig] Loong N] open 1
156 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rat, Monkey, Sheep and Dog] Loong 】Open one standard
155 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle Rabbit sheep dog horse 】Open three standards
154 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 snake Tiger pig dog sheep 】Open 2 standards
153 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger pig horse cattle sheep 】Open 4 standards
152 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dragon and Dog] pig rat tiger 】Open 2 standards
151 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Niu Long] monkey tiger snake 】Open 2 standards
150 issue of the lottery:【 cattle Rabbit dog monkey 】Open 2 standards
149 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep monkey chicken tiger pig 】Open 4 standards
148 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit sheep Chicken and mouse horse 】Open 2 standards
147 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken rabbit Dogs, cattle and sheep] open 1
146 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig dog tiger sheep rabbit 】Open three standards
145 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Long] tiger monkey rabbit rat 】Open 4 standards
144 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [pig, horse, dragon and dog] rabbit 】Open one standard
143 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse cattle pig rat dog 】Open 4 standards
142 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken sheep pig rat Long] open 2 standards
141 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 dog monkey pig sheep rat 】Open 4 standards
140 Chinese lottery, Pingte, Wuxiao:【 dog horse snake Sheep monkey] open 3 times
139 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Monkey and Mouse] Loong rabbit Tiger] open 2 times
138 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Sheep and Bull] rat rabbit Snake] open 2 times
137 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rat Dog] rabbit Loong Horse] drive 2 times
136 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rabbit horse snake Loong dog 】Open 4 standards
135 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig rat snake cattle Long] open 2 standards
134 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Monkey dog cattle sheep Chicken
133 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger pig rabbit Loong dog 】Open three standards
132 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger horse Loong Houniu
131 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit dog sheep tiger Chicken
Issue 130 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Loong chicken dog Rabbit] 4 standards
129 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse rat chicken sheep dog 】Open three standards
128 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dog monkey chicken rat Sheep
127 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger horse sheep rabbit dog 】Open three standards
126 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Niu rabbit dog horse Pig
Episode 125 of the lottery: [Niu monkey rabbit snake Sheep
123 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Tiger] monkey horse sheep dog 】Open 4 standards
122 issue of the lottery: [Pig, Rat and Monkey] snake rabbit 】Open 2 standards
121 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Loong snake pig horse 】Open three standards
Phase 120 lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat horse monkey sheep N] open 3 standards
119 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Ma tiger Dragon Dog rabbit 】Open 2 standards
Issue 118 Mid Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rabbit monkey pig rat dog 】Open 4 standards
117 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Pig snake rat rabbit 】Open three standards
116 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Niu tiger sheep rat horse 】Open three standards
Issue 115 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Cattle snake chicken sheep 】Open three standards
114 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger pig horse dog Monkey] open 3 times
113 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig and Rabbit] Loong snake N] open 2 standards
Issue 112 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse monkey Pig, rabbit and sheep
111 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Horse Chicken] pig Monkey tiger] open one
The 110 issue of the lottery will be a special event:【 snake horse Tiger Bull monkey 】Open three standards
Issue 109 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig Macaque chicken sheep 】Open 2 standards
108 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Niu monkey horse dog rat 】Open three standards
Issue 107 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Be sloppy] open one
106 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep Dog, tiger, rabbit and pig
105 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 Loong cattle Monkey mouse] open 2 times
Issue 104 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse Loong tiger Bunny] 2 standards
103 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey sheep rat rabbit chicken 】Open three standards
102 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit snake monkey sheep pig 】Open three standards
Phase 101 lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rabbit cattle monkey sheep pig 】Open three standards
100th issue of the lottery:【 rabbit Longniu pig snake 】Open three standards
Issue 099 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Long horse rat rabbit Monkey] open 2 times
098 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Snake and Horse] sheep chicken Loong 】Open 2 standards
Issue 097 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Monkey and Mouse horse cattle pig 】Open 2 standards
Issue 096 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Rabbit rat Chicken, monkey and horse
095 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep dog Niujihu
094 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey tiger chicken cattle sheep 】Open three standards
093 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat sheep dog pig Chicken
092 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 dog Niulong snake tiger 】Open three standards
091 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dog pig chicken sheep cattle 】Open three standards
090 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Sheep, Snake and Ox] horse Loong 】Open 2 standards
089 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey sheep pig Tiger chicken] open 2 times
088 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep pig horse Loong dog 】Open 4 standards
087 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Snake dog Cattle and chicken pig 】Open 2 standards
086 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat cattle dog Monkey Pig
Issue 085 of the lottery: "Cow, chicken and monkey" horse rabbit 】Open 2 standards
084 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig chicken Cattle rabbit monkey 】Open 2 standards
083 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig rabbit Monkey cattle horse 】Open 2 standards
082 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger sheep rat monkey Rabbit] three standards
Issue 081 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig snake Loong rat sheep 】Open 4 standards
080 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger pig horse Snakes and rats] three times
Issue 079 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Bull Monkey dog chicken Rat] open 2 standards
078 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 chicken sheep dog Loong tiger 】Open 4 standards
Issue 077 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle monkey Snake, pig and horse
Issue 076 Lottery Pingte Wu Xiao: [Long Yang pig snake chicken 】Open three standards
Issue 075 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Ma tiger snake cattle Pig
Issue 074 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Horse chicken and snake] cattle dog 】Open 2 standards
Issue 073 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Snake tiger Loong dog rat 】Open 4 standards
Issue 072 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 tiger Loong Cattle, pig and snake
Issue 071 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Sheep Chicken cattle Dragon dog] open 1
Issue 070 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dog sheep Loong snake rabbit 】Open three standards
069 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle tiger rat snake dog 】Open 4 standards
068 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey Snake, Sheep, Cow and Dog]
067 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep monkey Loong Tiger and rabbit] open 2 times
Issue 066: Houhu horse Rabbit sheep] open 1
Issue 065 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken and Mouse] pig Tiger snake] open one
064 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Ma rat snake cattle Loong 】Open 4 standards
063 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Monkey dog snake Loong Horse] drive three times
061 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Sheep Loong chicken Dogs and horses] drive 2 times
060 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 dog chicken rat monkey tiger 】Open 4 standards
059 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 dog snake Loong sheep Chicken
Issue 058 lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Pig Loong Sheep tiger snake] open 1
Issue 057 Lottery Pingte Wu Xiao: [Rat chicken horse rabbit Tiger] drive three times
Issue 056 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Chicken horse rabbit pig rat 】Open 4 standards
055 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle snake Monkey Tiger Dragon
054 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig monkey Snakes, Dragons and Dogs] 2 times
Phase 053 lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey dog Loong Pika] open 2 times
Phase 052 lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse Loong sheep Gouniu] 2 standards
Phase 051 lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig chicken snake Tiger Bull] 3 standards
050 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 chicken pig Loong Monkey] open 3 times
049 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Sheep rat Loong snake chicken 】Open three standards
048 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 monkey pig Dog horse rat 】Open three standards
047 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep Cattle and chicken rabbit Dog] open 2 times
046 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Tiger] snake Pig monkey Loong 】Open 2 standards
045 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 cattle Pig tiger rat Rabbit] open 2 standards
044 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 rat tiger pig sheep Monkey] open 3 times
043 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 pig rabbit rat horse cattle 】Open three standards
042 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 snake horse rat Niulong] 3 standards
041 Lottery Pingte Wuxiao: [Dragon and Rabbit] snake monkey dog 】Open three standards
040 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 sheep tiger monkey rat Pig
039 Chinese lottery Pingte Wuxiao:【 horse sheep chicken Dragon and snake] open 2 times
source: 2024 Macao Genuine Materials
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